Residents and clients have a right to:
- Feel safe, secure and protected.
- Be heard and be understood, and to unburden their hearts and worries to others.
- Be liked and accepted, and have their individuality recognized and respected.
- Feel supported emotionally and spiritually.
- Have their privacy respected, and to be cared for by care-givers of the gender of their choice when possible.
- Experience a warm, caring, home atmosphere.
- Receive gentle care; knowing that they will be touched, treated, and cared for respectfully.
- Know that their pain is being taken seriously.
- Remain active and socially engaged, by having opportunities to participate in daily activities.
- Participate in decisions that affect their care.
- Know that their families are welcome to participate in daily activities of the Lodge, and are included in the planning of care.
- Have their feelings, beliefs, and opinions considered important.
- Surround themselves with personal items, and feel that those “special things” will be handled with care and respect.
- Be cared for by qualified, competent health care professionals.
Glacier View Lodge also follows the Island Health Bill of Rights